Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Falling for Grace

I was able to finally finish Falling for Grace today.  I absolutely loved it!  It is probably one of the funniest books I have read in a long time.  This book continues where All is Swell left off.  Elder Trust Williams is home from his mission.  Missing Thelma's Way, he returns and brings Grace Heck with him to Southdale.  Many of the memorable characters from the first one appear again as Trust's father journeys to Thelma's Way in search of the Book of Mormon signed by Parley P. Pratt.  In addition, there is the extremely wacky new characters from Trust's home ward.  One of my favorites is probably Leonard Vastly.  This book actually had a true plot line and was pretty much one of the most entertaining books I've read in a long time.  I can't wait to finish up this trilogy!

Monday, April 26, 2010


I know I haven't posted for a while but life has been super crazy.  I am still working on Falling for Grace and it is probably one of the funniest books I've read in a while.  Anyway, I promise to have it done soon (hopefully before my trip next week) and give my review.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

All Is Swell

So I'm not keeping up as well as I could but since it's finals weeks I'm going to use that excuse.  I was able to finish reading All is Swell by Robert Farrell Smith.  I really enjoyed this book.  It was pretty light hearted but at the same time, there were some deeper meanings within it.  The story follows Trust Williams on his mission in Thelma's Way, Tennessee.  Of course, this can't just be a normal mission... there are many adventures including the centennial pageant that takes over a year to plan and prepare for.  And there are always the various companions that make the story just a little more interesting.  Overall, I really enjoyed this book and it was fun to read and I hope the rest of the trilogy is as entertaining.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Bullies in the Headlights

I just finished Bullies in the Headlights.   This was the sequel to Chickens in the Headlights.   Again this book follows the travels of the Buckley brothers, told from Matthew's perspective.  This book is more heartwarming than I thought it would be.  The story involves the trials that arise from the being bullied by the Hagbarts.  Matthew makes a new friend named Allen and with him the adventures rise to a whole new level.  This book actually taught me a lot and I feel somewhat of a better person from the things I learned from reading this book.  I would definitely recommend this for all ages to read.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Chickens in the Headlights

I was able to finish reading Chickens in the Headlights on Saturday night.  I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would.  The basic story line is about a family consisting of seven rowdy boys under the age of ten.  During summer vacation, the parents decide to teach their boys the value of work by getting chickens for the boys to take care of.  Of course, this adventure is much more than they planned on.  The story is told from the perspective of Matthew, the second of the seven boys.  Along with his brothers Simon, Peter, John, Jacob, Christopher, and Robin, they get into some of the funniest adventures.  People of all ages will enjoy this book especially those who have grown up with siblings, boys or girls.  Awesome read and fairly quick and simple.